Function silc_socket_udp_stream_create
SilcStream silc_socket_udp_stream_create(SilcSocket sock,
SilcBool ipv6,
SilcBool connected,
SilcSchedule schedule);
Creates UDP socket stream of the UDP connection indicated by `sock'.
The stream can be destroyed by calling the silc_stream_destroy.
The `connected' defines whether the socket is in connected or in
connectionless state.
Note that, UDP packets may be read only through the notifier
callback (see silc_stream_set_notifier), when SILC_STREAM_CAN_READ
is returned to the callback. Because of this the notifier callback
must be set.
Note that, UDP packet sending using silc_stream_write and receiving
with silc_stream_read works only if the `sock' is a UDP socket in a
connected state. In connectionless state sending packets with
silc_stream_write is possible only if the remote address and port
has been set with silc_socket_stream_set_info. If it is not set
in connectionless state packets may be sent only by using the
silc_net_udp_send function. In connectionless state packets may be
received only by using silc_net_udp_receive.
This function returns the created SilcStream or NULL on error.
If the silc_stream_set_notifier is called the stream is set to
non-blocking mode.