Function SilcSKECompletionCb
typedef void (*SilcSKECompletionCb)(SilcSKE ske,
SilcSKEStatus status,
const SilcSKESecurityProperties prop,
const SilcSKEKeyMaterial keymat,
SilcSKERekeyMaterial rekey,
void *context);
Completion callback. This is called after the key exchange protocol
has been completed. It delivers the status of the protocol, and if
successful the security properties `prop' that was negotiated in the
protocol and the key material `keymat' that can be set into use by
calling silc_ske_set_keys, and the rekey key material `rekey' which
can be used later to start rekey protocol. The `prop' and `keymat'
will remain valid as long as `ske' is valid. The `rekey' will remain
valid until silc_ske_free_rekey_material is called. The application
must call it to free the `rekey'.
When doing rekey, this completion callback delivers the `keymat' and
new `rekey'. The `prop' is ignored. The `keymat' has already been set
to the packet stream associated with the `ske'. Thus, after this
is called the new keys are in use.