Function silc_log_set_debug_callbacks
void silc_log_set_debug_callbacks(SilcLogDebugCb debug_cb,
void *debug_context,
SilcLogHexdumpCb hexdump_cb,
void *hexdump_context);
Sets `debug_cb' as the the default callback function for the debug
output, that will be called with the `debug_context' parameter.
When SilcLog receives a debug message, it will trigger the callback
function. If the callback function returns TRUE SilcLog will assume
the input as handled and won't run its default handler. The `hexdump_cb'
and `hexdump_context' works the same way, except that they are referred
to SILC_LOG_HEXDUMP requests.
You can disable/remove a callback by setting it to NULL. If set, each
callback function must be either in the form described by SilcLogDebugCb
or SilcLogHexdumpCb.