Function SilcConnAuthGetAuthData
typedef SilcBool
(*SilcConnAuthGetAuthData)(SilcConnAuth connauth,
SilcConnectionType conn_type,
unsigned char **passphrase,
SilcUInt32 *passphrase_len,
SilcSKR *repository,
void *context);
Authentication callback to retrieve the authentication data from the
application. This is responder callback. If the authentication
method is passphrase it must be returned to `passphrase' pointer.
If it is digital signatures the key repository pointer must be
returned into `repository' pointer, which the library will use to
find the correct public key to verify the digital signature. If
neither `passphrase' or `repository' is set but TRUE is returned,
authentication is not required.
If this connection is not configured at all this returns FALSE which
will result into authentication failure. Otherwise TRUE must be