Function silc_client_get_clients
SilcUInt16 silc_client_get_clients(SilcClient client,
SilcClientConnection conn,
const char *nickname,
const char *server,
SilcGetClientCallback completion,
void *context);
Finds client entry or entries by the `nickname' and `server'. The
completion callback will be called when the client entries has been
found. After the server returns the client information it is cached
and can be accesses locally at a later time. The resolving is done
with IDENTIFY command. The `server' may be NULL. The server
associated with the nickname may be in the `nickname' (nick@server).
The `nickname' may also be a formatted nickname in which case the
formatting is ignored and the base nickname is used. If the nickname
is formatted it must be formatted as defined in SilcClientParams.
Returns 0 on error and the command identifier used with the command
This function is always asynchronous and resolves the client
information from the server. Thus, if you already know the client
information then use the silc_client_get_client_by_id function to
get the client entry since this function may be very slow and should
be used only to initially get the client entries.
This function resolves only the relevant information (user's nickname
and username). It does not resolve for example user's real name,
joined channel list or other information. To resolve all the details
use silc_client_get_clients_whois instead.