Copyright © 2001 - 2007 SILC Project
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SILC Toolkit Reference Manual

SILC Toolkit Reference Manual
SILC Crypto Library
    Introduction to SILC RNG
    SILC RNG Interface
    SILC Cipher API
    SILC Public Key API
    SILC Hash Interface
    SILC HMAC Interface
SILC Core Library
    SILC Authentication Interface
    SILC Message Interface
    SILC Channel Interface
    SILC Command Interface
    SILC Notify Interface
    SILC Status Types
    SILC Modes
    SILC ID Interface
    SILC Argument Interface
    SILC Attributes Interface
    Packet Engine Interface
    SILC Public Key Payload Interface
SILC Key Exchange Library
    SILC SKE Interface
    SILC Connection Authentication Interface
SILC VCard Library
    SILC VCard Interface
SILC Math Library
    SILC MP Interface
    SILC Math Interface
SILC Client Library
    Using SILC Client Library Tutorial
    Arguments for command_reply Client Operation
    SilcStatus Error Arguments in command_reply Client Operation
    Arguments for notify Client Operation
    Unicode and UTF-8 Strings in Client Library
    Client Library Interface Reference
    Client Entry Interface Reference
SILC ASN.1 Library
    SILC ASN.1 Interface
    SILC BER interface
    SILC HTTP Server Interface
    SILC HTTP PHP Translator
SILC Utility Library
    Basic Types and Definitions
    Data Buffer Interface
    Data Buffer Format Interface
    Hash Table Interface
    Memory Allocation Interface
    Data Stack (memory pool) Interface
    Finite State Machine Interface
    Thread Interface
    Mutual Exclusion Lock Interface
    Condition Variable Interface
    Atomic Operations Interface
    Network (TCP and UDP) Interface
    Scheduler Interface
    Asynchronous Operation Interface
    Abstract Stream Interface
    Socket Stream Interface
    File Descriptor Stream Interface
    File Utility Functions
    String Utility Interface
    Snprintf Interface
    UTF-8 String Interface
    Stringprep Interface
    Utility Functions
    List Interface
    Dynamic List Interface
    MIME Interface
    Time Utility Functions
    Logging Interface
    Config File Interface
SILC Key Repository Library
    SILC SKR Interface
SILC Application Utility Library
    SILC Application Utilities
    SILC ID Cache Interface
    SILC SFTP Interface
    SFTP Filesystems Interface

Resource Links
SILC Project Website
SILC Protocol Documentation
SILC White Paper

Command Reply Arguments
The SILC Client Library 'command_reply client operation (which is part of the SilcClientOperation callback functions) returns command replies from the SILC Server for commands that the client has earlier sent to the server. The 'command_reply' client operation implementation has a variable argument list to deliver SilcCommand specific arguments to the application. This document describes these arguments for all command replies to help SILC client software developers to process them.
NOTE: The following list of command reply arguments are sent when the command was executed successfully. If an error occurred, the `command_reply' client operation's 'success' argument is FALSE, and the 'status' argument includes the error status. In this case the arguments returned are dependent of the 'status' argument. See all SilcStatus error arguments for these arguments.
command_reply Client Library operation
The 'command_reply' client operation callback function prototype is as follows:
   void (*command_reply)(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
SilcCommand command, SilcStatus status,
SilcStatus error, va_list ap);

The first argument 'client' is the SILC Client Library context, the 'conn' is the context for the connection to the remote server, the 'cmd_payload' is the raw SilcCommandPayload and application usually ignores it, the 'success' boolean value indicates whether the earlier command was a success or not, the 'command' is the command reply enumeration, and the 'status' indicates the status of the command reply. If 'success' is FALSE then 'status' includes error status (see SilcStatus error arguments).
Rest of the arguments are 'command' specific and implementation should handle them by the SilcCommand for example in a switch statement. The commands are defined in lib/silccore/silccomand.h header file. A short example:

The following table describes all commands and arguments that the client library sends in the 'command_reply' client operation to the application. By default all arguments that the library sends to application are valid pointers. However, it is possible that some pointers may be NULL. If this is the case it is separately mentioned that the argument may be NULL. In this case application must ignore that argument.
The 'command_reply' arguments for successful SilcCommand replies are as follows:
Name Description Variable Arguments
SILC_COMMAND_WHOIS Returns information about user. The following pointers may be NULL: 'channels', 'fingerprint', 'channel_usermodes' and 'attrs'. If 'fingerprint' is valid its length is 20 bytes. If 'channels' is valid each entry in the list is SilcChannelPayload. If the `channel_usermodes' is valid then the table has as many entries as there are entries in the `channels' list, and the first entry in the table is the user mode on the first channel in the `channels' list. The `channel_usermodes' is the table of the user's modes on the joined channels. The 'attr' is the Requested Attributes that may have been returned by the client and it can be parsed by traversing the SilcDList and using silc_attribute_get_attribute function. Each entry in the list is SilcAttribute. SilcClientEntry client_entry, char *nickname, char *username, char *realname, SilcDList channels, SilcUInt32 usermode, SilcUInt32 idletime, unsigned char *fingerprint, SilcUInt32 *channel_usermodes, SilcDList attrs
SILC_COMMAND_WHOWAS Returns history information about user. The 'client_entry' and 'realname' may be NULL. SilcClientEntry client_entry, char *nickname, char *username, char *realname
SILC_COMMAND_IDENTIFY Returns information about user, channel or server. This is similar to WHOIS command but does not return so much information and can be used to get information about channels and servers too. Application should ignore this command reply. The 'name' and 'info' may be NULL. void *entry, char *name, char *info
SILC_COMMAND_NICK Returns the new Client ID and new nickname inside the SilcClientEntry. The `old_client_id' is the old Client ID used by the client before the nickname was changed. The `nickname' is the new nickname. Note that, when user changes nickname SILC_NOTIFY_TYPE_NICK_CHANGE is not delivered to application. Instead this SILC_COMMAND_NICK command reply is delivered. SilcClientEntry local_entry, char *nickname, const SilcClientID *old_client_id
SILC_COMMAND_LIST Returns the list of channel in the SILC network. Each call of command reply returns one channel. This means that the command reply is called multiple times to return list of channels. The 'channel', 'channel_name' and 'channel_topic' may be NULL. However, the 'channel' and 'channel_name' are NULL only if there are no channels in the network. In this case this reply is called once with all arguments set to NULL. Application must be able to handle this situation correctly. SilcChannelEntry channel, char *channel_name, char *channel_topic, SilcUInt32 user_count
SILC_COMMAND_TOPIC Returns the topic of the channel. SilcChannelEntry channel, char *topic
SILC_COMMAND_INVITE Returns the invite list of the channel. Called also even if invite list was not modified but SILC_COMMAND_INVITE command was used to invite a user into a channel. In this case the invite list is not returned by the server and 'invite_list' is NULL. The 'invite_list' is SilcArgumenPayload which contains one or more arguments, each is one invite list entry. The entries can be retrieved with silc_argument_get_first_arg, silc_argument_get_next_arg, silc_argument_get_arg_type and silc_argument_get_decoded functions. SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcArgumentPayload invite_list
SILC_COMMAND_KILL Called after killing a client. Returns the client that was killed. The `client_entry' may be NULL. The `client_entry' will become invalid after the command reply has returned from application. The SILC_NOTIFY_TYPE_KILLED will not be delivered for clients that you killed. SilcClientEntry client_entry
SILC_COMMAND_INFO Returns information about the server user is connected to. SilcServerEntry server, char *server_name, char *server_info
SILC_COMMAND_STATS Returns network statistics from the server. The `stats' structure contains the statistics returned by the server. SilcClientStats *stats
SILC_COMMAND_PING Returns reply to earlier ping. There is no arguments to this reply. none
SILC_COMMAND_OPER Returns reply to earlier SILC_COMMAND_OPER command. There is no arguments to this reply. none
SILC_COMMAND_JOIN Reply received when user joined a channel. The `channel_mode' contains the current channel mode. The `user_list' is the user list on the channel and may be traversed with silc_hash_table_get function. Each entry in the `user_list' is SilcChannelUser structure, which contains the SilcClientEntry and the client's mode on the channel. The library will free the list. The `topic' is the current topic on channel or NULL if no topic is set. The `cipher' is the encryption algorithm used on channel or NULL if it is not available. The `hmac' is the HMAC algorithm used on channel or NULL if it is not available. The `founder_key' is the channel founder's public key or NULL if founder public key has not been set. The `channel_pubkeys' is a list of channel public keys (for authentication on joining) or NULL if they have not been set. Each entry in the list is SilcArgumentDecodedList each containing one channel SilcPublicKey. The library will free the list. char *channel_name, SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcUInt32 channel_mode, SilcHashTableList *user_list, char *topic, char *cipher, char *hmac, SilcPublicKey founder_key, SilcDList channel_pubkeys, SilcUint32 user_limit
SILC_COMMAND_MOTD Returns the Message of the Day from the server. The 'motd' may be NULL. char *motd
SILC_COMMAND_UMODE Returns the user mode after changing it. SilcUInt32 user_mode
SILC_COMMAND_CMODE Returns channel's mode after changing it. Optionally may also return founder's public key when it was set. It may also return the channel public key list when the list was altered. The 'founder_key' and 'channel_pubkeys' arguments may be NULL. The 'channel_pubkeys' is a list of SilcArgumentDecodedList contexts which each contain one channel public key. The library will automatically free the list. SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcUInt32 mode, SilcPublicKey founder_key, SilcDList channel_pubkeys, SilcUint32 user_limit
SILC_COMMAND_CUMODE Returns user's mode on channel after changing it. SilcUInt32 mode, SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcClientEntry target_client
SILC_COMMAND_KICK Called after kicking a client. Returns the client that was kicked from the 'channel'. SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcClientEntry client_entry
SILC_COMMAND_BAN Returns channel's ban list. The 'ban_list' may be NULL. The construction of that list is equivalent to invite list. See description of SILC_COMMAND_INVITE command reply. SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcArgumentPayload ban_list
SILC_COMMAND_DETACH Called after being detached from the SILC network. The command reply delivers the detachment data buffer `detach_data' that the application should save for example into a file. The data will be needed when resuming back to the network. When resuming the data is saved into SilcClientConnectionParams structure and given as argument to silc_client_connect_to_server or silc_client_key_exchange functions. SilcBuffer detach_data
SILC_COMMAND_WATCH Called after modifying the watch list in the server. There is no arguments to this reply. none
SILC_COMMAND_SILCOPER Returns reply to earlier SILC_COMMAND_SILCOPER command. There is no arguments to this reply. none
SILC_COMMAND_LEAVE Called after leaving the channel. Note that the `channel' will become invalid after command_reply client operation returns. SilcChannelEntry channel
SILC_COMMAND_USERS Returns list of users in channel. The `user_list' may be traversed with silc_hash_table_get function. Each entry in the `user_list' is SilcChannelUser structure, which contains the SilcClientEntry and the client's mode on the channel. SilcChannelEntry channel, SilcHashTableList *user_list
SILC_COMMAND_GETKEY Returns public key of client or server. The 'public_key' may be NULL. The 'entry_type' is used to check what type of pointer the entry' is. For SILC_ID_CLIENT SilcClientEntry and for SILC_ID_SERVER SilcServerEntry. SilcIdType entry_type, void *entry, SilcPublicKey public_key
SILC_COMMAND_SERVICE Returns the service list in the server, or information on the accepted and authenticated service. The 'service_list' maybe NULL if server does not support any services. It is NULL also when 'name' is not NULL. The 'service_list' is a comma separated list of services the server supports. The 'name' MAY be NULL also. The 'name' is the requested service, and it is non-NULL only if server accepted and authenticated client's request. const char *server_list, const char *service_name

SILC protocol defines some additional commands but command replies to those commands are not delivered to the application. Only the command replies listed above are delivered to application.

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SILC Toolkit Reference Manual